Learn more about attendees and create networking opportunities.  

Attendee Profiles allow organizations to gain more information about their attendees through expanded fields and sections. Profiles also enable other social features such as the Attendee Directory and Direct Messaging for additional interaction and engagement through your webinar or event. 


Enabling Attendee Profiles 

To enable attendee profiles, first open the registration page in the Sitebuilder tool to edit your registration settings. Registration must be on to enable profiles. 

Then, toggle on 'Profile info'. 

Toggle on 'Avatar' if you would like attendees to be able to optionally upload a profile photo. We recommend toggling this on if you are using the Directory feature. 

Screenshot 2023-09-25 at 1.55.55 PM.png

Next, select 'Profile Info' from the Registration Steps menu at the top of the page. This will populate your Profile Info fields. 

Hover over the fields and select the pencil icon that appears to determine which fields attendees can or must complete. 


Apply your changes when complete. 

Then, navigate to the Social tab from the Sitebuilder's lefthand navigation bar. 

Select 'Profile details':


Toggle on 'Enable Profile Details':


Publish the page to save your changes.

Enabling Sections & Settings

Attendee Profiles offer additional Sections for attendees to add additional information. 

To enable a Section, simply toggle it on. 


Then, hover over the section and click the pencil icon that appears to edit the fields or add custom ones:


Once complete, click 'Save'.


Admins and Sitebuilders can optionally edit the heading text on the Profile page by hovering over the 'General Information' tab and selecting the pencil icon that appears.


Additionally, for projects utilizing the Directory feature, admins can determine if attendees will view each other's profiles as a page or in a pop-up window. 

To do this, navigate to the Settings tab above the Social page menu.

Then, click the dropdown and select an option. Selecting 'In a Pop-up' will appear like this:


Selecting 'As a Page' will appear like this:


Attendee Experience 

Attendees can access their Profile from any page of the live site after logging in by selecting the circle in the lower lefthand corner of the page with their initials in it:


Attendees can edit any of the information listed or add a photo (if enabled) by selecting the 'Edit' button in each section. 


Once an attendee clicks 'Save', their updated information will appear:


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